
Floyd Martin

Think you are brave because you go to a racist rally surrounded by thousands of like assholes carrying guns? Fuck you, you ain’t shit.
You know what is brave? A 12-year old Gay boy coming out of the closet in middle school because he can’t live in a closet and getting his ass kicked at school every fucking day?
You know what’s brave? A 39 year old Trans woman on the streets of Chicago working again tonight because no one else will hire her, and hoping this isn’t the last night she has to do this shit.
You know what is brave? A 24-year old black woman, single mom (because her baby daddy is in prison because of a fucked up penal system) with three kids, dropping those babies at daycare she can’t afford, to go work at a stupid fast-food restaurant for shit wages to give her children a better life.
You know what is brave? A 57 year old Gay man that has been HIV+ for 30 years and feels like shit and has watched all of his friends die, and still gets up the gumption to go to the store and smile at a stranger who stares at him like he has two heads.
You know what is brave? Going home and telling your white Republican Baptist church deacon dad, you’re in love with a black man, another woman, a Mexican or a Muslim.
You know what is brave? Defending your country and all she stands for, and not walking in the streets like a coward fearful of someone’s else’s skin tone.
No, There are a million examples of bravery. Being an self-important, entitled, racist bastard is not one of them.

You Will Fail

There is a reason the Union Jack left Boston harbor
There is a reason the confederacy fell
There is a reason Hitler’s final solution failed
There is a reason McCarthy was shamed for life
There is a reason the barricades at Selma gave in
There is a reason the segregation signs came down one by one
There is a reason the Berlin Wall fell
And there is a reason that Charlottesville will belong to the correct side of history.
To all those who deny life liberty and the pursuit of happiness to all races, religions, genders
Consider this
Others have failed… what makes you think you’ll win?“

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